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Inspirational message
(Names withheld to preserve client confidentiality, just as she will protect yours).

"I think it's really interesting that I'm 45 and just learning all this career stuff...this is more difficult than getting my MBA. You are such a wonderful teacher."
- J.D., Senior Vice President - Financial Services

"I was pretty skeptical when I heard that a consultant was going to come here to help us. You are so normal - and you never talked down to us."
- D.L., Buyer - Fortune 500

"The resume you helped me with was 1 of 5 chosen out of 250. I got the job."
- P.C., Mechanical Engineer - Manufacturing

"Billie, the day I picked up the phone and called you was one of the luckiest days of my life."
- E.B., Faculty - Private University

"Your help on interviewing was of immense value - the company picked ME as their #1 candidate."
- M.T., Vice President - Healthcare

"In 8 years, I've lost 5 jobs to downsizing. Each time, I've received outplacement assistance with a nice office, full amenities and few interviews. With your program, I had no office, straight talk, and several offers."
- J.L., Administrator - Insurance Services

"Your work is in your soul." "You are so awesome - how did HR find you, anyway?"
- K.P., Supervisor - Ag-related industry

"You made me realize that I am so much more than any job title and that I don't have to stay stuck anymore."
- W.J., Foreman - General Contracting

"How can I ever thank you for all that you have taught me."
- S.R., Heavy Equipment Mechanic - Military

"You really are fun to work with - how do you know all of this stuff anyway? You absolutely exhaust me and totally exhilarate me, how is that possible." : - )
- J.G., Director of Finance - Non-profit
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