Welcome and thank you for visiting my website. I truly appreciate your interest and want you to know that if there's anything I can do to help make your career transition easier, better, less overwhelming, or more doable, simply call, e-mail, fax, or write. I am here to serve you and welcome the opportunity to do just that. Please know that I will do so with professionalism, high standards of excellence, genuine interest and confidentiality, each step of the way. Best regards from your career partner.
- Billie Sucher, MS, CTMS, CTSB, JCTC, CCM
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
- Will Rogers
Billie Sucher is a private-practice career transition consultant based in Urbandale, Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines. For over two decades, she has provided career management services to organizations and individuals (executive-level to entry-level) throughout the country, doing so with an unwavering commitment to and passion for:
- Career Coaching & Career Counseling
- Professional & Executive Resume Writing
- Outplacement & Career Transition Programs
- Personal Branding for Competitive Advantage
- Interview Coaching to Win the Offer
- Public Speaking & Seminars on Career Topics
"Billie's work is in her heart; her work is in her soul"
 Look for her new tweet-style book "Happy About the Career Alphabet" at Amazon.com or HappyAbout® Publishing. Her resume / cover letter work appears in 30+ best-selling resume / cover letter books.
Read what Billie's clients have to say: Testimonials